Project “Experience Trust”
(achieved rezults)
Partnership of 8 non-governmental organizations on both banks of the Dniester River in Moldova, with the aim of increasing trust between people on both banks. Pro-Trebujeni was the leading organization.
Project page opened on Facebook and such a compartment on the Pro-Trebujeni website. They are administered continuously until now
Produced seven sets of technical documentation for the construction of climbing walls. All work was performed by experienced engineers. Field visits with measurements. Approval of technical documentation.
Based on the technical documentation, purchases of equipment, construction materials and tools necessary for the project activities and the construction of the climbing walls were carried out.
An efficient cooperation has been established with the production plant “GECRI” S.R.L., the number one in Moldova in the field of steel processing and manufacturing of sophisticated parts necessary for the construction of climbing walls.
6 round tables in different locations, organized by the partner NGOs, with the involvement of the rest of the project team, invited officials from the local public administrations.
Training of trainers (1 of 2) in the field of climbing, held on the right bank of the Dniester. 10 participants – 10 trained instructors, from different locations on both banks of the Dniester River.
Training of trainers (2 of 2) in the field of climbing, held on the left bank of the Dniester. 7 participants – 7 trained instructors, from different locations.
Summer educational camp, 6 days, 45 participants of different ages and fields of activity, plus facilitators. They all came from different locations on both banks of the Dniester River.
Work in joint teams in different locations to build climbing walls, a total of 7 locations, several thousand man-days volunteering. Unprecedented experiences of partnership and joint collaboration, teamwork, planning and coordination.
Participation of the project team “Experience Trust” in the annual international event “PETZL Roctrip 2014”. 5 people from both banks of the Dniester participated in the first stage in Baile Herculane, Romania.
Over 500 young people and children – direct beneficiaries of the project.
Out of which:
280 – participants in experiential training programs;
350 – participants in community programs;
17 trained instructors;
7 local communities were acquainted with the sport of climbing
Seven festivals of solemn opening of the climbing walls, through different locations on both banks of the Dniester River. We worked with joint efforts in mixed teams of members of different partner NGOs and with the use of the common stock of equipment and accessories.
Two climbing festivals in nature, total ___ participants from different locations in Moldova.
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