Work in mixed teams over construction of climbing walls
town Criuleni
The climbing wall in Criuleni is one of seven walls that were built by a partnership of eight NGOs on both banks of the Dniester River in the project “Experience Trust”.
The Criuleni Debate Center (CDC) is the local partner of the project. With the direct effort and administration of the CDC in the sports hall of the Town’s Youth Resource Center was mounted this climbing wall. Members of the community got the opportunity to practice climbing. Was also opened climbing and mountaineering circle, and the local team participates in the competitions organized within the “Experience Trust” project.
All this is possible due to financial and technical support from the European Union and UNDP through the “Support to Confidence Building Measures” program.
city Tighina (Bender, Transnistria)
NGO „Eikumena” from city Bender, lead by Polina Arnaut, is an example of a pro-active attitude during whole duration of the project. In the part related to construction of the climbing wall, this organization became leader among the eight partner organizations of the project. The start of construction works was obstructed by numerous changes of the space offered by the city administration. Finally, it was one of two gyms of the school nr.13 of city Bender. The gym was offered in deplorable conditions and required serious investments in restauration. The restauration was possible due to investments from NGO „Eikumena” and construction company „Travers”, both having in common staff passionate of active outdoor programs, active tourism, alpinism and climbing. Practically all of them are former students of the Station of Young Travellers of city Bender, lead by Polina Arnaut.
All works were done on a volunteering basis in a record term.
It is a proof of a high organization of the team of the partner organization from c.Bender.
All this was made possible due to support from the European Union and UNDP through the “Support to Confidence Building Measures” program.
city Dubasari (Transnistria)
Story of building a climbing wall in city Dubasari (Transnistria), in the backyard of the Station of Young Travelers. It is just an element of the project «Experience Trust», implemented due to support from the European Union and UNDP through the “Support to Confidence Building Measures” program.
In c.Dubasari our project partner is NGO „EDEM”. Active role in implementing the project belongs to Ms. Svetlana Popeli (vice-chairwoman of the NGO), and Mr. Vladimir Jelezniak, member of the NGO.
village Blijnii Hutor, district Slobozia (Transnistria)
The largest climbing wall in Transnistria in the outskirts of city Tiraspol. The NGO “Rodoliubets” from the village of Parcani, led by Andrei Nikolaev, is the project partner in Slobozia district, Transnistria. The construction of the climbing wall was carried out inside the sports school from the village of Blijnii Hutor (district Slobozia). The choice for the location of the climbing wall was made in November 2013 at the stage of formulating the project proposal. The choice proved to be a successful one – for several years ahead it will be the largest climbing wall in Transnistria, with a height of over 9 meters and the length of the vertical and roof routes – over 11 meters.
We are pleased to mention the pro-active attitude and support from the Youth, Sports and Tourism Department of Slobozia District (Chief – Mr. Evghenii Nenov). The respective directorate fulfilled its obligation from November 2013 and by the end of January 2015 it changed the heating network in the hall, later planning to renovate the rest of the networks related to the operation of the sports complex in this village.
On June 14, 2014, after the approval of the financing of the project “Experience of Trust” from the sponsors, the necessary measurements were performed on the spot, with the involvement of experts Ms. Valentina Kozireva and Mihail Scherbatiuk from the “Mountain Club” in Chisinau. In the process, the initial design of the wall was slightly modified.
The construction works had a long phase of preparation and delivery of the necessary materials.
We would like to mention the help of the following volunteers, granted at this stage: members of the alpine club from Tiraspol, led by Dmitry Medvedenko; representatives of the NGO Eikumena from Bender – Anastasia and Ivan Jejelev; Valentina Kozireva (“Mountain Club” from Chisinau); Leonid Kolpakov and Igor Klimin (“Everest” club in Chisinau); Leonid Rosca (NGO “Pro-Trebujeni”).
At the same time, we were supported with scaffolding for working at height, by the construction company “Travers” from Bender, led by Denis Fedorenko.
It is a manifestation of working together on a project of national value, beyond the territorial-administrative limits of a village, city, district, region.
city Tiraspol (Transnistria)
The climbing wall in Tiraspol was built in a small gym inside the school building of school no. 8 in Tiraspol, which was occupied by the Station of Young Travelers.
As in Bender, it was necessary to repair the gym beforehand. The repair of the room was carried out with investments from the NGO “Ekut” and the construction company “Promalip”, both being linked by the staff passionate about nature programs, active tourism, mountaineering and climbing. Practically all of them are former and current students of the Station of Young Travelers in Tiraspol, led by Nicolai Vizitiu.
All work was carried out in a record time on a voluntary basis.
It is a proof of a high organization of the team of the partner organization from Tiraspol.
The last “signatures” on the climbing wall in Tiraspol meant the installation, next to the climbing wall and at the entrance into the building, of information boards about the project, donors, etc.
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